Game Description
Crisis In Britannia - Roles Guide
Here is a general guide for the what the different roles are in the game. Some advice is given for which roles players might have a preference for, but all roles, (with the possible exception of Control) should be enjoyable for any type of player who is interested in roleplaying or historical simulations.
There are 3 different categories of players in Crisis in Britannia: Britons, Romans and Control
The island of Britannia is inhabited by many tribes of Celts. The majority of the players will be representing the leaders of these tribes as well as their spiritual advisors and local storytellers.
Most of the players in Crisis in Britannia will be the leaders of the seven major tribes in the South-East of Britannia. The players are the Chiefs of their tribe, representing a council of its most senior and respected members. The tribes also have one or two appointed leaders as Kings/Queens, who are the most senior leaders.
Chief players can expect a heavy amount of historical roleplaying, with bravado, traditions, duels and raiding setting the tone of their game, alongside decision making and impressive speeches.
Tribe Team Sizes:
Tribal teams come in sizes of between five and eight, depending on the size of the tribe. Some tribes incorporate smaller factions, so teams reserving in sizes of 2 or 4 can also work. Each tribe has its own local Druid (see the section on Druids below), who is more independent, but will be spending plenty of time with their local tribe, so they can be reserved either independently or alongside chief players.

The druids are crucial members of Celtic society, not only knowing of the ways of the gods and their rituals, but also benefiting from education in literacy and similar rare skills within the tribes.
Druid players can expect a game of heavy roleplay as they perform rituals and ceremonies, but can also expect to be busy with communication and mediation due to their roles as key members of Celtic society.
There are two types of Druid, the Tuath Druids and the High Druids.
The Tuath Druids are local to their particular tribe (or "Tuath") and will need to oversee its everyday spiritual health and perform its regular rituals. They are also key members for their tribe in diplomatic matters given their literacy and their respected position. There is one Tuath Druid in each of the seven tribes.
The High Druids represent the most senior druids who reside in the mysterious sacred groves on the Island of Mona. They have their own objectives for their spiritual followers. Little is known about them. The High Druids are a single team of 3 or 4 players.
Celtic society has no formal communications network, nor widespread literacy. Knowledge of both current events and history is almost exclusively imparted through songs and exciting tales. Bards travel from tribe to tribe, learning of exciting happenings and telling it to others through song and stories.
Bards can expect a theatrical and performance heavy experience, as they investigate happenings from all over the game and recite exciting dialogues to the tribal players each turn. The game has space for up to four bard players.
The Roman Empire stretches from Hispania to Galatia, including Gaul and Africa and much more inbetween.
Like the Briton players, the Roman team will also involve historical roleplay, but they will also have more strategic focuses as they try to manage the Empire as well as plan and execute the campaign in Britannia.
The Emperor and Staff
One player will be the Roman Emperor and up to 3 players will represent his personal Staff. These will be the most senior leaders of Rome, and they will be considering the issues of the Roman Empire as a whole as well as overseeing the situation in Albion.
The Emperor and Staff team are best suited for people interested in high-level command responsibilities and would ideally be suited for people with an interest in the history of the Roman Empire.
Roman Military Command
The campaign in Britannia is a complex logistical challenge, but not one beyond the armies of Rome. The Military Command team consists of one overall Commander and four Legionary Commanders. Together they will be planning and executing the large-scale strategy of the Britannia campaign.
These roles are best suited for people interested in historical role-play and large-scale strategic operations.

Roman Traders
Traders from all over the Empire are already somewhat familiar with the isle of Britannia. There is demand from Romans for rare and valuable artifacts from this mysterious isle, and in turn the luxuries of Roman artisans are often appreciated by the Celtic tribes. Traders will be making and breaking deals amongst the tribes of Britannia and making a tidy profit in the ports of Gaul. Their local knowledge and contacts may even prove useful to the rest of the Roman team as well.
There is space in the game for three Roman Traders. This role is ideally suited to players looking to play fairly independently, and those looking for an interesting economic and diplomatic challenge.
Around 10 Players will be helping to run the game and manage certain parts of the experience. The Control Team are effectively a team of GMs ensuring that the rules are applied properly, and allowing players to interact with parts of the game that aren't established by existing mechanics. This role is best suited to people who have attended a megagame before or who are familiar with this sort of responsibility.